WXYC Chapel Hill, NC 89.3FM – Monday 3:00-6:00pm ET – www.wxyc.org


Wow, talk about neglect…

I guess we could all see it coming… more and more time between blog posts…  and now it’s 2014 and almost two years since I updated this thing.

Bloody hell.

Well, I made a mixcloud account, and I have a few radio shows upped there.  YOu can either jsut stream it or you can select from the “Playlists” menu and hear a radio show start to finish.  They’re those 30 minute block mp3s that WXYC makes and rewrites every week for our internal records, and I couldnae be arsed to paste them all thegither, man, so deal with it.  I did figure out how to upload the stuff so it’d run in a straight unbroken stream if you go to the page and simply push play.  I think it’s better to choose the “Playlists” but as you see fit, if you see fit.

I have most of the urls for the text-based flowsheets, and maybe I’ll up them, but for now it’s prolly more likely I won’t.

Without further ado, behold, the wee mixcloud account:


I really like the last two shows I’ve done; 30 July and 23 July 2014.  “I Don’t Even Understand What The People Are Saying” was a fine hour in a decent radio show back on 24 April 2014, and I do very much love the sub show I pulled during Hopscotch back in 2012… you’ll see ’em, they’re marked and such for easy identification.


Peace out!

WXYC Fridays, September 28 – November 9, 2012 (7-9pm)


…uh…  these excuses are getting old, but I kinda have one…
no, seriously, I do…  you see, the September 21 show was preempted by The Pretentious Echo Chamber of Self-Congratulation, and it kinda threw my blogging rhythm off the track, again…

Aye, I know, but I’m no deid, yet, so lemme go ahead and do the catch-up thing, and see if it resets the world to its proper order.  Heh.

Like, 7 weeks worth of Richard radio, like:

28/9/12 19:00-21:00

5/10/12 19:00-21:00

12/10/12 19:00-21:00

19/10/12 19:00-21:00

26/10/12 19:00-21:00

2/11/12 19:00-21:00

9/11/12 19:00-21:00

…and all caught up, again.  How’s about that! 

BTW, if you do come here from time-to-time for info on my show, and you think something is wrong with the 2 November show, it’s not.  I just played *long* tracks.  That really was two hours worth of music, even though it looks like an hour; everything I played is, for a fact, on the flowsheet, there, and in the order I played it.

Thanks for calling in, thanks for making requests, but thanks above all for choosing a true radio station–with actual, living human djs who broadcast a free signal through the air–to provide your temporal lobes with the stimulation they require. 








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WXYC Friday, September 14, 2012 7-9pm


To facilitate more punctual and singular blogging, behold! I have created this entry *before* the show begins, and scheduled it for a publish date about 10 minutes before I go on-air: 

14/9/12 19:00-21:00


If you’re checking this before 7pm Friday, September 14, 2012, the show hasn’t happened, so the link won’t work.  Let’s see if I manage to return and apply timely commentary:  
Ladies & gentlemen, place your bets! : )




…appreciate you lot turning on and tuning in your radios to our happy little 89.3 frequency modulation… or using your computers with the http://www.wxyc.org action.  Always and forever, requests and callers make the fun thing funner.
 Thanks, everyone.




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WXYC Fridays, August 24 (6-9pm) – September 7, 2012 (7-9pm) +1

Yes, still at it with the “group” entries…

Here we have the last summer sign-up 3-hour-tour:

24/8/12 18:00-21:00


Then the Fall semester shift (7-9pm) begins:

31/8/12 19:00-21:00

7/9/12 19:00-21:00


Finally, multi-entry wraps with a special
sub-for-a-sub-for-Hopscotch-weekend on Saturday afternoon:

8/9/12 14:00-17:00



…and perhaps now I’m all caught up?  Could be. 

As always, thanks for calling in, thanks for making requests, but most especially thanks for choosing actual radio to provide your aural entertainment. 








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WXYC Friday, August 17, 6-9pm + Saturday, August 18, 9am-noon (2012)

“Group” entries continue:

17/8/12 18:00-21:00

18/8/12 9:00-12:00

If you heard any of Saturday’s opening hour… you might suspect I’ll be back to embellish this entry… Indeed, that *is* my intention.

As always, thanks for calling in, thanks for making requests, but most especially thanks for choosing actual radio to provide your aural entertainment. 








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WXYC Friday, August 3 & 10, 2012 6-9pm +1

I keep forgetting I accidentally lost this blog’s “style,” let’s call it, and when I come back here, I realize the work I need to do to get it close to how I like… it seems rather daunting.  So even though I’m only a couple weeks behind–i.e., getting closer to getting this thing back up to speed–it’s still tough finding motivation to be timely.  The unfortunate thing is that there has been fun happening that is not getting reported as a result.  In spite of these two things (daunting redesign required, missing timely reporting of silly, fun stuff) I shall continue the mundane entry of flowsheet links even if they’re “group” entries:

3/8/12 18:00-21:00

10/8/12 18:00-21:00

+ an incidental sign-up of a bail-out nature, however happily convenient:
12/8/12 03:00-06:00

…so that’s it.  We’ve been getting stupid to Gay Cat Park for a couple three weeks, now, on Friday, as well as putting listeners who call in during the show on-air when the mood strikes us.  This is partly due to the excellent quality of the new djs we hired over the summer, who happen to be dropping in to explore the the station and just hang out during my shows.  With another new hire just a couple weeks away, the party atmosphere on Friday nights is likely to continue… stay tuned, call in and make your quality requests and comments, and we’ll see how it all goes.

As always, thanks for calling in, thanks for making requests, but most especially thanks for choosing actual radio to provide your aural entertainment. 








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Accidental “style” change

I was perusing the various themes currently available to us low-budget freebie bloggers here at WordPress—I *really* want this to look like my old blog at myspace did, 2004-2008, before they changed it to Super Suck Theme… solid black background, and those nice blues n’a’ what I was using for text—and I accidentally lost all the gazillions of manipulations I’d done with the widgets and such for the layout I’ve been using since touching down on WordPress. What this means is, if I go back to that “Chaotic Soul” WordPress theme, none of the stuff I had in the right column is there, and I really am not, as of yet, inspired to do all the work necessary to recreate that layout.

This theme at least has a truly black background, but it straps me to these damned Halloween colors. In spite of this somewhat undesirable constant, I managed to slice up that Archers of Loaf @ the Cradle pic from last summer, so it kinda matches the coloring.



The deal is, there may be more style shifts in the near future. Or I may just say fucket and leave it as is. I do like *this* font, tho’ I am annoyed with the headline choice. and the background *is* black. Still, my search for the pale cyan text color remains frustrated.

For those who noticed a style change and wondered “why?”

WXYC Fridays (6-9pm) (+ 1) July 2012

Hmmmmm.  Still not entering these in a timely fashion.  Being three weeks behind is more punctual than being three months behind, regardless.  Actually, I’m not totally late, since I’m posting this on Wednesday night: I haven’t done the 27 July show yet, which means that link’ll be dead till the show is done.

…most recent at the top:

27/7/12 18:00-21:00

Helpin’ the minty fresh on a Tuesday morn:
24/7/12 03:20-07:45

Again wi’ the fried ‘ehs:
20/7/12 18:00-21:00

13/7/12 18:00-21:00

6/7/12 18:00-21:00



Alrighty, whitey. 

♥ lissners 4eva! 





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WXYC Fridays (6-9pm) (+ a couple on the side) May & June 2012

The home stretch of gettin’ caught up, light at the end o’the tunnel, a’ that.

Intersession was technically 4 May – 18 May, plus the 3-9am shifts through 25 May; I also filled an abandoned 3am shift at the end of June. Here they are…

…most recent at the top:

Saturday morning, picking up the slack, post-Caltrop@CHUG, Richard was buzzed:
30/6/12 03:00-06:00

Typical Friday action:
29/6/12 18:00-21:00

22/6/12 06:00-09:00

15/6/12 18:00-21:00

8/6/12 18:00-21:00

1/6/12 18:00-21:00

25/5/12 18:00-21:00^^^^^^^^^Summer Session Begins^^^^^^^^^

I call this final intersession sign-up a Wednesday Wake-up:
23/5/12 06:00-09:00

These are all the usual Friday gig, al beit during intersession sign-ups:
18/5/12 18:00-21:00

11/5/12 18:00-21:00

4/5/12 18:00-21:00

Wow.  That’s it!  All caught up!  I canny believe it!  Damned near a full year of catching up, tho’ I did start trying to fix it in May.  Now we’ll all find out if I can at least keep current with the text links to the setlists on a show-by-show basis, as I used to do.  My intention, but I know better than to make promises!

…and as always, thanks fer callin’, thanks fer lissnin’! 





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Turn-of-the-century Internet Quiz Collection

Rediscovered this amidst my saved geocities webpages, from before they shut the free bit down…

See, I took some survey today on the PBS site that, despite pretending to be somehow “official” or “legitimate,” reminded me of the White Trash Quiz. I wanted to share the nostalgia trip with my facebook friends, so I uploaded the html here: Sadly all the links to the associated images are dead and gone, but the alt text (in red) survives. You can grab the urls for the tests and see them on the wayback machine, but I don’t think you can take the tests to get scores via wayback archive. If ya never saw it back in the day, you can at least find the questions involved, if ya fancy.

Ah, the good ol’ kindergarten days of the internet. When you could easily take goofy “personality quizzes” without them ever being directly associated with your name, address, SSN, mother’s maiden name, the name of your favorite pet, or your professional life.

Dig that nostalgia, man!

The “Online Test” Wall of Shame

I am 24% Idiot.
Friggin Genius

I am not annoying at all. In fact most people come to me for advice. Of course they annoy the hell out of me. But what can I do? I am smarter than most people.

I am 71% Evil Genius.

Evil courses through my blood. I delight in crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.

I am 45% Geek.
Geek? Yes, but at least I got social skills.

You probably work in computers, or a sociology or history department at a college. You never really fit in with the “normal” crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.

I am 16% White Trash.
Not at all White Trashy!

I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box.

I am 18% Emo.
Anti-Emo  ...hrmph.

Okay… so I’m not emo at all.. I am probably not even goth, because goths are just messed up emo kids… I am probably a metal head… or into boy bands…

I am 35% Metal Head.
Sorta Metal.

Most other metal-heads acknowledge my presence, but they laugh at me behind my back. Maybe I need to stop spending all that money on haircuts and invest in a few Pantera T-shirts.

I am 55% Grunge.
Grunge as Hell!

I am pretty dirty, all right and, I reek of teen spirit… I would sell my own children for a moldy hotpocket, man.

I am 62% Raver.
Quite the Raver!

I may not be freaky like those Candy Kids, but I do know how to party. I am well connected in the scene, but may be getting a little tired of it.

I am 39% Goth.
Slave to Goth.

Goth by night, normal by day. Deep in my heart I know I am evil, but not on the company’s time. I do need to eat.

I am 55% Tortured Artist.
My life is a piece of Art, and I live and create it!

Art is significant in my life, people are scum but I have the capicity to deal with it. Give it a few more years and I will either forget about art or hate the world.









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WXYC Fridays (7-9pm) Spring 2012 – Besser Spät Als Nie™ Edition

Just tryin’ ta get caught up/knock these out, so this includes sign-ups from Spring Break, as well as the regular Friday 7-9pm shifts:

Most recent at the top:

27/4/12 19:00-21:00

20/4/12 19:00-21:00

13/4/12 19:00-21:00

6/4/12 19:00-21:00

30/3/12 19:00-21:00

23/3/12 19:00-21:00

16/3/12 19:00-21:00

——————Spring Break——————
The last Spring Break sign-up I did was Saturday 9pm-midnight:
10/3/12 21:00-24:00

9/3/12 18:00-21:00

2/3/12 18:00-21:00

——————^Spring Break^——————

24/2/12 19:00-21:00

17/2/12 19:00-21:00

10/2/12 19:00-21:00

3/2/12 19:00-21:00

27/1/12 19:00-21:00

20/1/12 19:00-21:00


Canny believe I’m almost up2date!  If you listened to any part of any of these radio shows, hope you enjoyed, and thanks for the ears!








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WXYC post-XMASsacre sign-ups -– Besser Spät Als Nie™ Edition

(…and another 6 weeks later, I finally get around to posting *these* links from this past winter; it is actually July as I write this, but again, I’ve applied a post-date to keep the blog in order.)

Most recent at the top:

The last sign-up I did before Spring 2012 was in the wee hours of Saturday morning:
14/1/12 03:00-06:00

These are all Friday night:
13/1/12 18:00-21:00

6/1/12 18:00-21:00

30/12/11 18:20-21:00

23/12/11 18:00-21:00


As always, thanks fer callin’, thanks fer lissnin’!                                                                                                  



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WXYC (XMASsacre!) Friday, December 16, 2011 3-midnight

The XMASsacre took place during the 8 hours in the middle of this shift:

16/12/11 15:00-24:00



All of this year’s nominees for
All-Time Favorite Holiday Tune:
A Fairy Tale Of New York* – The Pogues *(2007 winner)
Christmas Time In Hell – Satan, The Dark Prince
Christmas Song – Jethro Tull
Happy Ghoul Tide – Ray Oddis (!)
Christmas Wish – NRBQ
The Christians And The Pagans – Dar Williams
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) – John & Yoko
Father Christmas – The Kinks *(2009 winner)
Little Drummer Boy* – Bing Crosby & David Bowie *(2002 winner)
Last Christmas – WHAM!
I Am Santa Claus* – Bob Rivers *(2010 winner)


As some of you know, there is a blogspot blog for X-MASsacre: http://xmassacre.blogspot.com/
That’s where interested listeners will find commentary on this year’s holiday carnage.


Definitely check out the X-MASsacre page on facebook; a facebook account is NOT required to look at the things posted there (including full access to the photo albums):
WXYC X-MASsacre on facebook


If you *do* happen to have a facebook account, click that    button on the WXYC X-MASsacre facebook page, so you’ll know all about the next one, as soon as we know it’s a happenin’ thang.

You can always leave requests there for the impending massacre *any*time of year.  I welcome lots of advance notice to track down the more challenging tunes!


Again, thanks to everyone who called, requested, voted, or simply enjoyed listening!  I leave you with what is *still* my favorite holiday light display (This guy’s first effort remains his best, imo.)











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WXYC Friday, December 9, 2011 6pm-midnight

Kickin’ off my winter sign-ups with a 6 hour shot:

9/12/11 18:00-21:00

Inside Track: Glenn Jones – The Wanting

9/12/11 22:00-24:00

…and since I’m actually posting this up during ***2012*** Spring exam sign-ups, that’s all she wrote. About to get down to some very, very, very, very, very, very seriously Besser Spät Als Nie™ Edition data entry on this here blog!








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WXYC X-MASsacre IX Cabal Revealed!!!

Amidst hushed rumors which first began circulating on the internet about a month ago, early Friday morning, December 2, 2011, a new image

specifically designed to recruit the global public at large: age- and gender-inclusive
appeared on the wall of the facebook page titled “WXYC X-MASsacre.”

Covert-ops surveillance verify the page had lain dormant almost a full year, during which time assigned agents did relax their vigilance.  Over the past 5 years, however, it has been well-established that the masterminds of X-MASsacre rarely begin to stir before December, so the re-awakening of the facebook page was no shock, it was, in fact anticipated, and the monitoring of activities related to the event has been successfully reinstituted.

As has been the case in years past, there is every reason to believe the X-MASsacre *will* take place as advertised in the above graphic: Friday, December 16, 2011 from 15:30-23:30 ET [16/12/11 20:30 – 17/12/11 04:30 UT] on WXYC Chapel Hill 89.3FM.

Citizens who are interested in following the development of X-MASsacre IX 2011 (as well as X-MASsacre in general) are heartily encouraged to “like” the facebook page, “WXYC X-MASsacre.”







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